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Glastonbury and Street Foodbank (Bridging the Gap)

Covers both Street and Glastonbury, and all of the BA6 and BA16 postcode areas

The Glastonbury food bank operates via a telephone referrals and delivery system.
Requests for food are made by phone through local agencies such as Citizen’s Advice Bureau.
If you are a local agency and would like to make a referral you need to provide the following information.
– Name, address and contact number
– Reason for the referral
– The number of people the box is for
– Any special dietary requirements
– The age of any children; and
– How long the crisis is likely to last (i.e. when they will next have money)

Bridging the Gap is a delivery-only service, so no need to travel into town to collect the food. Aim to deliver within 48 hours of receiving a referral.