Community Connectors
Community Connector training is designed to help everyone in Mendip be better equipped to signpost friends, family and neighbours to support in their community. Anyone and everyone can be a Community Connector. It is not about being a formal volunteer, it’s just about you being someone in the community who knows that there is support out there. So far we have trained police, taxi drivers, hairdressers, students, doctors, café staff, supermarket staff, parents, grandparents, homeless people, job centre staff…
Community Connector training can be as brief as 5 minutes or up to an hour. Come to one of our regular sessions or we can adapt the training to suit your needs and come to your place of work or community setting. Just give us a call. All sessions are free.
Regular Community Connector training
Sessions are held every 3 months at Frome Medical Practice and Shepton Mallet Library – contact us or check Eventbrite for dates.
For more information or to book a bespoke training session call 01373 468368 or email
- “Having the extra knowledge when talking with people who need help and support will be so valuable.”
Police Community Support Officer - “A very informative and helpful workshop. I never knew there was so much support out there!”
Community member